About Us

Jan 31, 2008 at 09:43 am by admin

Section Membership Meetings
ASQ Middle Tennessee Section 1118 holds 7 membership meetings per year at the Golden Corral, 315 Old Lebanon Dirt Rd, Hermitage, TN 37076, on the second Thursday evening of the month - January, February, March, April, September, October and November. Visitors are welcome to attend. 
Meetings include a clinic as well as a main presentation. Dinner starts at 5:15 pm for a fee of just over $15.00. Drinks are an additional $1.99 + tax, payable at the door (cash or check). The meeting is free for full-time students with valid ASQ ID. Dinner is optional and not a requirement to attend the meetings. The clinic begins at 6:00 pm. The main presentation begins at 7:00 pm and is one hour long.

We typically plan 2 tours each year on the second Thursdays in May and December. Sometimes we plan to meet for dinner before/after the tour so please specify in your reservation your intent to go to dinner - or not, as we make reservations at the targeted eatery.

To help keep section costs down and to make sure the room set-up is adequate, we request that you make reservations for meetings and tours. Please email the Reservations Chair, at Reservations@ASQ-MiddleTN.org 

Go to the "Next Meeting Info" link on the left side of the page for more detailed information.
Section Meeting Attendance Records
The Section maintains your attendance records for re-certification purposes, so please sign the attendance sheet when you arrive.  To retrieve your meeting attendance record, highlight 'Meetings', then click on 'Attendance this year'.  A spreadsheet of section member attendance pops up for you to scroll to your name and the attendance dates you would like to review/copy for recertification RUs.  To calculate your RUs, add up the numbers in the row with your name over the time period you're reviewing and multiply the number by "0.5".  So, if you're looking at calendar years 20117 - 2019 and you added up the numbers in the row with your name and get 10 (2 for each attended meeting - and - 1 for each attended tour), 10 X 0.5 = 5 RUs that you can claim on your recertification documentation.

Section Membership Communication
In March 2008, we began to communicate with section members through an email newsletter. We are no longer able to email 'The Paradigm'.  Please review section information on our website (www.asq-middletn.org).  So that we can have regular communication with you, it is important that you have a current email address on file with ASQ Headquarters. Please visit www.ASQ.org to update membership information in your ASQ Profile and join Section 1118.     
Section Leadership Board
The Section fiscal year, starting in 2014, is from January 1 through December 31. Section elected officers and appointed Board Members hold their positions for one year at a time.  Contact the nominations chair at Nominations@ASQ-MiddleTN.org for more information.

The Section Board Meetings are held 5 times a year - March, June, August, October and December. All members are welcome to attend.  These meeting forums are WebEx or at the same location as the Membership Meetings.  Please contact your section chair at Chair@ASQ-MiddleTN.org for more information.

Supporting Business Excellence
Section 1118 supports business excellence in providing continuing assistance to the Tennessee Center for Preformance Excellence (TNCPE).

Sections: Primary Web Pages