David S. Chambers (Section 1118)

Feb 20, 2008 at 10:08 am by admin

ASQ Middle Tennessee Section 1118 scholarship award, “The David S. Chambers Scholarship”

The 2020 David S. Chambers Scholarship annual award has been suspended indefinitely.

Section 1118 will take applications for the David S. Chambers Scholarship award upon the re-instatement of the scholarship.

Scholarship Information: (when scholarship is re-instated)

Monies from the local section provide funding annually in the amount of $1,000. Applicants are required to submit the following (electronic copies attatched to an e-mail to education chair):
• Scholarship application (email requesting application) (click here)
• Statement of career objectives
• A 3-paragraph essay on the applicant’s “How to implement quality in the workplace”
• Transcript from 2 consecutive semesters of study
• Declaration of major field of study and list of courses for the next semester
• College/University enrolled/attending in ASQ Section 1118 area or ASQ membership # or ASQ membership # of family member

Applications must be submitted to the Section 1118 Education Chair between November 1 and February 28. The scholarship is publicized on the section website. The Education committee, consisting of the Education Chair and two other board/committee members determine an award recipient. Preference is given to applicants who have not previously received the award. Minimum requirements for award consideration: 1. Applicant or family member must be ASQ members or 2. Applicant must be enrolled/attend a college/university in the ASQ Section 1118 area. The award recipient is recommended to the Leadership Committee for approval at the March business meeting of the Board and announced at the April Membership Meeting. Award recipient is requested (if possible) to attend the April ASQ Section 1118 Membership Meeting to receive the award and be photographed for publication on our web site.

The awarded $1,000 is made to the recipient and a receipt from the college/university is required to be submitted to ASQ Section 1118. Criteria for the award include the applicant’s GPA, their career objectives, essay, and response to application questions. Courses of study should be relative to the pursuit of quality - including, but not limited to - engineering, healthcare, or education.

Scholarship Application (email and request application) Link here

Sections: Scholarship